Our school is experiencing difficulties with the phone lines. Today and possibly for the next couple of days, school will have limited phone service. We are able to receive calls and we can make calls out, but our directory is not working. This means that we cannot transfer calls and you will not have the option of accessing our menu to reach a certain office nor can you leave a voicemail. Our internet is working fine and we are still able to follow all of our emergency protocols. If you must call the school, call the regular number at (518) 494-3015, but the preferred way to reach anyone at school will be through email.
Elementary Office: Holly Palmer or Erika McGourty
High School Office: Chris Jay or Becky Vanderklish
Elementary Nurse: Samantha Badgley
High School Nurse: Sue Griffen
District Office: Jodi McAvey or Caleb Martin
Guidance Office: Casey Palmer
Pupil Services: Maggie Hill
Additional staff email addresses can be found in our Staff Directory