Health & Wellness

Fax: (518) 494-4601

The school nurse is responsible for first aid care of children who are injured or become ill while under school supervision. In such emergency, every effort is made to contact the family. The success of this procedure is dependent upon accurate information from parents. Student information records are sent home with students each September. These should be completed and returned immediately. It is important that the school have on file, two emergency names and numbers (other than the parents) in case parents/guardian cannot be reached. If information changes during the school year, the school nurse should be notified.

Absences other than sickness, health treatment, death in the family, religious obligations, approved cooperative work programs and impassable roads are considered illegal.

When a child is absent or tardy, parents are asked to phone the school nurse's office where the child attends. State law requires that every absence from school, legal or illegal, be explained by a written note from a parent or guardian upon the student's return to school. This note should specifically state the date and cause of absence and must be submitted to the nurse within three days of the student's absence. A dental or doctor's appointment is not usually a reasonable excuse for a whole day's absence unless the child is ill.

Early dismissal from school requires a written excuse from the parent or guardian indicating time, date and reason. In the event that a child does not report to school, and a parent or guardian or other designated adult (ex. baby sitter) has not phoned school to advise of the child's absence, the nurse will begin calls to contact the parent, guardian or responsible adult at home or work. Parents are reminded that a current telephone number where they may be reached during daytime hours must be on file in the school office.

All children of school age in proper physical and mental condition are required to attend school in New York State. Daily attendance is a strong indication of interest in school and a good predictor of school success. Children and youth who are regular in attendance will benefit from continuity of instruction. Making up for days missed is difficult and never as beneficial as experiencing regular instruction. Employers and colleges look to attendance patterns as a strong measure of a student's dependability.

The following information is not intended to be used as a substitute for medical care of advice.

New York State Public Health Law, Section 2164 mandates that schools shall not permit a child to be admitted to school unless the parent provides the school with a certificate of immunizations or proof from a physician, nurse practitioner or physician's assistant that the child is in the process of receiving the required immunizations. The certificate must specify the exact date each immunization was administered. Please refer to the chart below for the immunization requirements for school entrance.

Vaccines Pre-K Requirements K - 12 Requirements

Tetanus Toxoid-Containing Vaccine and Pertussis Vaccine (DTap, DTP)

3 doses 3 doses

Tetanus, Diptheria, and Pertussis Booster (Tdap)

N/A 1 dose for those born on or after 1/1/1994 and enrolling in 6th grade.

Polio (IPV or OPV)

3 doses 3 doses

Measles, Mumps, and Rubella (MMR)

1 dose 2 doses of measles-containing vaccine and 1 dose each of mumps and rubella

Hepatitis B

3 doses 3 doses

Varicella (Chicken Pox)

1 dose 2 doses for Kindergarteners and 6th graders.
Haemophilus influenzae b(Hib) 3 doses if less than 15 months of age or 1 dose administered after 15 months of age. N/A

In order for medications to be administered to a student in school, the following guidelines set by New York State must be met.

A written Medication Authorization Order from a doctor and written parental permission to administer the medication are required.

1. Written doctor's orders for prescription and non-prescription medications should include:

  • Student's name & date of birth
  • Name of medication
  • Dosage and route of administration
  • Frequency & time of administration
  • For PRN medications, conditions under which medication should be administered
  • Date written
  • Prescriber's name, title and signature
  • Prescriber's phone number


2. Special considerations:

  • Medication orders must be renewed annually or when there is a change in medication or dosage.
  • The pharmacy label does not constitute a written order and cannot be used in lieu of a written order from a licensed prescriber.


3. Parental Responsibility

  • A written statement from the parent requesting administration of the medication in school as ordered by the licensed prescriber is required.
  • The parent must assume responsibility to have the medication delivered directly to the health office in a properly labeled original container.
  • Non-prescription medications must be in the original manufacturer's container/package with the student's name affixed to the container.


Parents of children who require special attention for medical reasons should discuss the issue with the school nurse as soon as possible after school starts.

New York State Education Law requires a Physical Examination as well as a Dental Health Certificate for students upon entrance to school (including those transferring from another school district) and routinely at grades K,1,3,5,7,9 and 11. Proof of this exam must be a signed physical appraisal form from a New York State licensed medical provider. (A physical exam performed within the 12 months prior to the start of school is acceptable. All forms are due by the first week of October.) Physicals are also required for participation in interscholastic sports and working papers.

We encourage your family physician to do the exam as he knows your child's medical history and can complete necessary immunizations. The school physician may perform the student's physical exam, if an appraisal is not submitted.

New York State Education Law also requires annual health screenings as indicated below.

Height & Weight: All students K-12

Vision: All students in grades K, 1, 3, 5, 7, and 11 are screened.

Hearing: All students in grades K, 1, 3, 5, 7, and 11 are screened.

Scoliosis: All girls in grades 5 and 7, boys in grade 9 are screened.

Physical examinations are required annually for those students participating in interscholastic sports.

The physical exam (Health Certificate/Appraisal Form) may be done by the school physician or the student's own physician. Sports physicals are valid for 12 months.

An Athletic Health History Form must be completed and signed by the student's parent prior to the actual physical exam and given to the physician for review. This form provides an in-depth look at the student's health history.

An Interval Health History Form as well as an Emergency Medical Authorization Form must be completed and signed by the student's parent prior to participation in each sport.

Students will not be allowed to begin practice until the above forms are completed and returned to their coach.

Insurance policies held by parents are the primary coverage for student injuries. The Board of Education provides a student insurance plan that serves as a supplement to the family's primary coverage.

Any injury must be reported to the nurse immediately. Any injury not reported to the school office or the school nurse will not be covered by school insurance. The school insurance has limited coverage.